I think the crds are quite right, but i'm not so
sure about the text. Try them and correct them :-)
'-' = 'minor'
G A- C G
(1) With every weaking breathe I Breath
G A- C D
I see what life has deal to me.
D E- C A-
With every sadness I deny
A- C D G
I feel a chance inside me die
G A- C G
(2) Give me a taste of something you
G A- C D
to tatch to hold to poul (?) me true.
D E- C A-
Send me a guide in life at the shine
A- C D G
across this darking life all paint
Chorus: Breath Some soul in me
Breath Your gift of love to me
G C A-
Breath Life to live for me
A- G
Breath to make me breath
Other verses: For every man who built his (or he?) home
The people promise for his own
If i should against an open floor
Of laison feel yours we all know
To those who haven't, who have not
I can you leave with wath you've got
give me a tatch of something sure
I could be happier for more
This life prepares the strangest things
The dream(s) we dream of what like brings
The highest highs can turn around
two soules sit don't (spoul) ground
Other chorus lyrycs:
Breath your honesty
Breath your innocence to me
Breath the world to set me free
Breath to make me breath