Êîììåíòàðèé: "Bad Company"
Bad Company
CComAmpanDmy GAlways Dmon Cthe Dmrun
CDesAmtenDmy Goooh is Dmthe Crising Dmsun
CI Amwas Dmborn Gsix Dmgun in Cmy Dmhand
CBehind Ama Dmgun I Gmake my DmfinCal Dmstand
That's why they call me
chorus: BbBad Acompany and I can't Dmdeny
BbBad Acompany till the day I Dmdie
CReAmbel Dmsouls Gdeserters Dmwe Care Dmcalled
CChose Ama Dmgun and Gthrew Dmaway Cthe Dmsun
CNow Amthese Dmtowns Gthey Dmall know Care Dmname
CSix Amgun Dmsound Gis our Dmclaim Cto Dmfame
I could here them say
I am not to sure about the chorus chords,
but anyway it gives you the
basic idea of the song.
NOTE: the tab I posted for this song
is not very acurate.