ϳñí³ äëÿ ïðîãðàìè ϳñåííèê
28.05.2009    Biohazard - Punishment (Íå â³äîìî)

Êîììåíòàðèé: "Urban Dicipline"

		It's a damn fine hardcore song - Like most of the
		"Urban Dicipline" songs. Buy the album, It's worth
		Every cent.
		Tune the guitar 1 step down (E->D, A->G etc.)

		A (Intro):

		                                Slide with a feeling
		This Intro riff is repeated a few times.

		B (Verse):


		C (Chorus):

		D (Verse #2):

		E (Chorus #2):


		F (Chorus #3):


		G (fill):

		Structure of the song:
		Ax4                                                    (Intro)
		Bx6 (1st time when Evan shouts,                        (End of Intro
		     2nd time alone,                                   start of verse)
		     3rd when bass and drums comes in,
		     4th and 5th time when Evan and Billy sings)
		Cx2                                                    (Chorus #1)
		Bx4                                                    (Verse #1)
		Cx3                                                    (Chorus #1)
		Gx1                                                    (Fill)
		Ax3                                                    (Solo and special part)
		Dx4                                                    (Verse #2)
		Ex2                                                    (Chorus #2)
		Dx4                                                    (Verse #2)
		Fx2                                                    (Chorus #3)
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