ϳñí³ äëÿ ïðîãðàìè ϳñåííèê
28.05.2009    Green Day - Brat (Íå â³äîìî)

Êîììåíòàðèé: "Insomniac"

Verse:		Mom and Dad don't look so hot these days
		        A	G      	C
		they're getting over the hill,
		C		D	C	A
		Death is closing in and catching up
		C	A	D
		as far as I can tell,
		C		D	C	A
		Got a plan of action and cold blood
		C 	A	D
		and it smells of defiance,
		C		D	C	A
		I'll just wait for Mom and Dad to die
		C	A	D
		and get my inheritance.

		C		D	C		A
Chorus:		Now I want more because I'm getting bored
		C		D	A
		and I'm going nowhere fast,
		C		D	C		A
		I was once filled with doubt and now it's all figured out
		C		D	D(PM) 	D
		that nothing good can last.

		C		D	C	A
Verse:		Crows feet and rot are setting in
		C	A	D
		and time is running out,
		C		D	C	A
		My parents income interest rate
		C	A	D
		is gaining higher clout,
		C		D	C	A
		I'm a snot nosed sod without a job
		C	A	D
		and I know I damn well should,
		C		D	C	A
		Mom and Dad don't look so hot these days
		C	A	D
		but my future's looking good.

		C		D	C		A
Chorus:		Now I want more because I'm getting bored
		C		D	A
		and I'm going nowhere fast,
		C		D	C		A
		I was once filled with doubt and now it's all figured out
		C		D	D(PM) 	D
		that nothing good can last.

tuned down 1/2 step. C G D G C G C G D C G C G C G D C G C G F D
Note: Tune a half step down. All power chords. Intro: C G D |%%%%|%%%%|////|////| Part A: G C G C G D :|////|////|////|////|: Part B: C G C G C G D :|////|////|////|////|: Part C: C G C G A D |////|////|////|////|/%%/| Sequence: Intro; Ax3; B; C; Ax4; B; C; Ax4; B; C; Ends with G chord.
Chords notes: Tune down 1/2 step below standard pitch Chords: A (x133xx) or (688xxx) (Is up to you to choose one of the B (x255xx) or (799xxx) formations, the one you feel more C (x355xx) or (8-10-10-xxx) comfortable with) C# (x466xx) D (x577xx) D# (x688xx) E (022xxx) E(type 2) (x799xx) or (0799xxx) The second one I use it when I palm mute that chord, but using only the (0xxxxx) B(type 2) (xx9-11-12-x) or (x-9-9-11-12-x) Intro: C, G, D Verse: G, C, G, G, C, G, D Chorus: C, G, C, C, G, D Interlude: G, C, G, E/G, C, G, D
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